The goal of 100% Winterville is the just and equitable conversion of the City of Winterville to 100% clean renewable energy.
UPDATE 12/20/24: The installation of Solar Project 2: Front Porch Bookstore was completed on 12/20/24. We are now waiting on Georgia Power to approve the final cutover. If all goes well, the first Spring concert at the Bookstore will be solar powered.
UPDATE 7/25/23: I was invited by the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy to discuss my efforts to convert the Winterville city government to 100% clean renewable energy. Check out the webinar and blog post below:
The first project was the installation of a solar array on the roof of the Marigold Auditorium. This solar array helps offset power consumption at the Cultural Center and the Marigold Auditorium. It also charges a battery system at the Cultural Center that can be used in the event of a power outage. This is important because the Cultural Center serves as our emergency shelter.
We were awarded a Solar Resiliency grant by the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority for this project in December of 2021. The grant paid for the majority of the cost of the solar array and battery backup at the Cultural Center and Auditorium. Installation was completed in September of 2022 and the system was activated in December of 2022.
I also drafted a 100% Clean Renewable Energy Resolution that was passed unanimously on Tuesday, October 11th, 2022. This will commit the City of Winterville to the following goals:
The City of Winterville Government will obtain 100% of its electricity needs from clean and renewable sources by 2035, and all other energy needs will be met by 100% clean and renewable energy sources by 2050.
UPDATE 7/25/23: I am currently working on proposals for five new solar projects in Winterville. I hope to complete these in an next few years. Once completed, these solar arrays will help offset power consumption at the Fire Station, Police Station, Library, Doctor Museum, Front Porch Bookstore, Bank Building, and City Hall. I need your support to get the approval and funding for these projects.
UPDATE 6/6/23: We received our Solar Resiliency Grant reimbursement check from the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority. This grant covered the majority of the cost of Solar Project 1: Marigold Auditorium and Cultural Center.
UPDATE 12/2/22: We finally got approval from Georgia Power to active the solar system at the Marigold Auditorium and Winterville Cultural Center. The City of Winterville is now generating clean renewable solar energy for the first time ever.
UPDATE 10/12/22: The 100% Clean Renewable Energy Resolution passed unanimously on October 11th, 2022. The City of Winterville Government is now officially committed to converting to 100% clean and renewable energy.
UPDATE 10/9/22: The installation of Solar Project 1 is complete. We are now waiting on Georgia Power to schedule the cutover and connect the system to the power grid. The 100% Clean Renewable Energy Resolution will be up for a vote on Tuesday October 11th and should pass unanimously.
UPDATE 8/31/22: The installation of Solar Poject 1: Winterville Cultural Center and Auditorium is well underway. All parts have arrived. The panels, inverters, and batteries are in place. There is still some wiring to do and then we have to work with Georgia Power to connect it to the grid. We hope to begin harvesting and using solar power sometime in September.
UPDATE 8/4/22: Effects that scientists have long predicted would result from global climate change are now occurring. More frequent and intense drought, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and warming oceans wreak havoc on people’s livelihoods and communities. We all need to do our part to address this existential threat, which is one of the reasons why I started 100% Winterville. We also need the state and federal governments to enact policies and provide funding to combat climate change. Recently, ACC District 8 Commissioner Carol Myers and I wrote an Op-ed calling on the state and federal governments to take action to address the climate crisis.
UPDATE 5/10/22: The grant and vendor contracts for Solar Project 1: Winterville Cultural Center and Auditorium have been approved by the Winterville City Council and signed by Mayor Dodd Ferrelle. The vendor is Solar Sun World, LLC. Solar Project 1 includes a 39 kW Solar Photovoltaic System that will help offset power consumption at both buildings and a 36 kWh battery backup at the Cultural Center, which serves as Winterville's emergency shelter. The project should be completed by September 2022.
UPDATE 5/6/22: I officially adopted the five points area through 100% Winterville as part of Keep Athens-Clarke County Beautiful's Adopt a Highway program. We had our first trash pickup in March of 2022 and will be doing quarterly trash pickups.